Distric 20 A C B L   D I S T R I C T   2 0
   G R A N D   N A T I O N A L   T E A M S
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V e n u e   R e g i s t r a t i o n   F o r m

Use the form below to request a site for the on-line GNT competition.

Please provide the following information:

     Dates             _______________________________________

     Flights           _______________________________________

     Contact Name      _______________________________________

     Contact Phone     _______________________________________

     Email Address     _______________________________________

     Physical Address  _______________________________________

     Monitor           _______________________________________

     Monitor           _______________________________________

     Monitor           _______________________________________

Submit form to Hal Montgomery at dewitt@imaginata.com to apply.
Club owners/managers are encouraged to host and promote this online event.
Each venue must have high-speed internet access, preferably with wireless capability.
A non-playing monitor (NOT a director) must be present at all times to oversee the contest and resolve problems should they arise.
Monitors may receive free plays to a future D20 Regional - see schedule below. Reasonable rent will be paid for space.
Expenses necessary for online service, such as a wireless router, may be reimbursed if prior approval is obtained from D20.
   Monitor free plays (per session worked)
      1 or 2 players - 0 free plays
      3 to 5 players - 1 free play
      6 or more players - 2 free plays