2022 Mini McKenney Winners, 1000+ Points

The winners of the 1000+ Point Mini McKenney for 2022 were:

Category, Person, City/State, # Points in 2022
1000 to 1500  Kevin Marnell, Portland OR 275 
1500 to 2500  Jim Wiser, Portland OR 247 
2500 to 3500  Ray Robert, Portland OR 315 
3500 to 5000  Gerard Hallee, Portland OR 438 
5000 to 7500  Alan Johnson, Happy Valley OR 385
7500 to 10,000  Irva Neyhart, Portland OR 627 
Over 10,000  Roger McNay, Beaverton OR 897  
Here’s Alan Johnson of Happy Valley’s story. 

I learned to play during lunch hours at work.  Usually played pinocle but saw a different game (bridge) being played also.  Started as a fill in and quickly found I needed some reading to understand what was going on.  One of my partners invited me to go downtown to a duplicate game at a club.  I thought this was going to be a disaster, but enjoyed and have been playing ever since.

Most were earned at the club, some at nearby tournaments, and a few at the Phoenix nationals.

The Portland Bridge Club is a wonderful place to play.  I’ve made so many really good friends there.  It’s very nice and staff are very helpful.

Keep a positive attitude.  Your competitors at other tables are playing the same hands and are facing many of the same problems you are.  If you’re in a bad contract, minimize losses and go on to the next hand.  Easier said than done.

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2022 Mini McKenney Winners, 1000+ Points