2025 Milton Kim Award Recipient: Cheryl Haines

At the January Garden Island Sectional on the island of Kauai, the Milton Kim award was presented to Cheryl Haines by Unit President Deborah Ayers and past recipient Larry Denneau. 

Deborah began the presentation by reading the statement of who Milton Kim was and what the award signifies: 

“Milton Kim epitomized the traits of a true gentleman at bridge.  He always treated his partners and opponents with kindness by being non-judgmental at the table.  He established his memorial trophy to remind bridge players that these personal qualities should always be practiced in a competitive bridge game.  The Milton Kim Award is given each year to a current Unit member who has shown a similar dedication to making duplicate bridge pleasant and enjoyable for all.

It is awarded annually to the person displaying good manners, friendliness, congeniality, and all the fine qualities that enhance the pleasure of duplicate bridge.”

Deborah then introduced last year’s winner, Larry Denneau, to name the 2025 recipient. In naming Cheryl, he cited that she has a gift for teaching new players and is able to encourage them to take the scary plunge into club games. In addition, he said she uses her excellent communication skills to promote the game, especially to new players – while reminding all that the reason we play is to have fun. Last, she was cited for being pleasant and humorous at the table.

The award is unique in that the past three recipients vote for the next award winner. 

Unit 470 includes the islands of Oahu, Kauai, and Guam. The majority of players and leadership of the Unit are Honolulu players, as was Milton Kim, for whom this award was named. Cheryl is the first player from Kauai to receive this honor.