Intermediate/Newcomer News

Do you want to try something new to improve your bridge game? Here is a great idea.

Step 1: Look at your calendars for May 13-19, 2024. Do you have those dates open?

Step 2: Find Redmond, Oregon on the map. Here’s a hint. It is in beautiful Central Oregon.

Step 3: Now that you have found those dates and location, that happens to be exactly when and where the OREGON HIGH DESERT REGIONAL TOURNAMENT is taking place.

Step 4: Grab a partner or come alone to this amazing bridge event. There are plenty of places to stay. Check the flyer for the lodging suggestions. Let them know you are playing in the bridge tournament to possibly receive special rates.

But wait. Why would you want to attend a Regional Tournament?

Here are a few good reasons:

  • It’s FUN! You will see people you know as well as make new friends in the bridge world.
  • Renowned bridge teacher Jeff Roman is offering FREE classes every day! These lessons are sure to improve your game!
  • You can compete in the Intermediate/Newcomer section of competition. That means that if you have fewer than 750 Master Points, you qualify to compete with others at that same level.
  • If you are on track to become Life Master, you can earn gold and red master points.

Take the leap! Join us for this wonderful event. We hope to see you there.

Happy Springtime!

Susie Leo,  I/N Coordinator

More To Explore

Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

Intermediate/Newcomer News