Dorothy Case – Silver Life Master

I have been playing bridge since 1998.  My mother played regularly.  She ran a game at her retirement community.  She entered the scores on a big sheet and calculated the results by hand.

I learned to play in Anchorage, Ak and played there, became a Director, Club Manager, and Board member until we retired to Kona, HI in 2011.  Frank Stewart came to the Alaska Midnight Sun regional one year.  I partnered with his wife when she became Life Master! From Alaska,  players must leave the state to earn Gold points.  I was able to travel to enough Nationals to earn them.  I once played against Mike Cappalletti and used his system to beat him in that round!

Here in Kona I have served as Club Manager, Board President and a Director.  I now serve as Vice President under my partner, Peggy Spencerʻs leadership. My goal was to become a Silver Life Master by my 80th birthday, which is this March.  I am thrilled that I was able to reach this goal.

During Covid, I did not enjoy playing online.  I think it is because one of my favorite partners taught me that poker is one of the aspects of bridge besides bidding, play and defense.

The Kona Bridge Club has been building momentum with our table count since Covid. We have two games a week in a dedicated open air building at a private school with a lovely view of the ocean.  Visitors love playing here. We would love to see others from District 20 and beyond come join our diverse congenial group. We continue to strive for players. Our beginner class is graduating soon. Our table count swells in winter with visitors. Kona is lovely all year and we love to meet and greet new players. Our popular Unit 469 Sectional tournament is in February over the Presidents Day weekend.  Mahalo!

Dorothy Case

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Dorothy Case – Silver Life Master