Sunday Social Bridge
Volunteers Gary Gitner and Karen Rash-Gitner at the Portland Bridge Club By Carol Holman Portland OR, the home of Unit 487, has been hosting Sunday
Volunteers Gary Gitner and Karen Rash-Gitner at the Portland Bridge Club By Carol Holman Portland OR, the home of Unit 487, has been hosting Sunday
The “Core Five” of Boise’s Monday Night Bridge Group: (from left): Vicki Flier, Carol Ogburn, DeAnna McMahon, Nancy Feldman and Russ Dodd.By Stuart HotchkissIn 2019,
Play of the Hand Susie LeoIntermediate/Newcomer CoordinatorBob Johnson at the Seaside Regional Psssst! For the next three newsletters, you are going to get a sneak peek
North American Events June is the start of qualifying games for our North American Pairs (NAP). F2F and online clubs hold qualifying games through August.
Play of the Hand Susie LeoIntermediate/Newcomer Coordinator Play of the HandIf you attended the High Desert Regional in May and attended Jeff Roman’s amazing classes, you
President’s Message June 2024Congratulations to Jim Wheeler, Tournament Manger, and Jeff Jacob, Director-In-Charge, for putting on a great regional in Redmond. Sherri and I had
John Cissel and Josh Rosenbluth scored a 71.57% game at the Emerald (Eugene) Bridge Club on May 2. There were 11 tables in play and
April 2024 ***NEW JUNIOR MASTERS ***Gail L BigelowKay HawkinsWilliam HeinrichMike E HolladayBela LemmonPauline E PolaskiLee T SaylorBen SharvyThomas W UelmenSatish ViswanathamMrs Joyce D WhiteMr Morgan
Play Better Bridge! We have all heard of spring cleaning. That usually involves overstuffed closets, messy drawers, and that “work room” that ends up as
President’s Corner May 2024 I know it is a bit of a cliché’ to say that each of us can make a difference. Well, guess
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