Player Spotlight

Bill Harwood – Sectional Master

Aloha Jackie,My journey is probably similar to many others. I played a lot of Bridge in the early 70’s until life happened. Now tht I

Sherry Schroeder – Regional Master

Thank you for asking how I went about making Regional Master. It is a familiar tale, I am sure.  I originally learned bridge at an early

Joyce Trawle – Sectional Master

When I first started playing bridge in 2018, I had no idea what a challenge it would be.  I had never played bridge, any type

Steve Acker – NABC Master

Steve Acker, NABC MasterThank you for acknowledging my new rank in the bridge world. Bridge is such a collaborative endeavor that many people and groups

Dorothy Case – Silver Life Master

I have been playing bridge since 1998.  My mother played regularly.  She ran a game at her retirement community.  She entered the scores on a

Stephen Peel – Gold Life Master

When asked to share his journey to Gold Life Master, here is what Stephen had to say…“I doubt my story would be very inspirational.  More

Mary Perkins – Life Master

Mary, Perkins, Life MasterMary Perkins reached the coveted rank of Life Master in late 2023.  She wishes to thank all the players in the Seaside

Rebecca Pelissero – Life Master

Rebecca Pelissero, Life MasterAs a teenager, I learned the fundamentals of Bridge from my father and grandmother. Later in college, I briefly moved on to

Lily Johannessen – Diamond Life Master

Lily Johannessen, Diamond Life MasterLily Johannessen earned Diamond Life Master status earlier this year at the Honolulu Regional. It is fitting that, after living abroad