Intermediate/Newcomer News


By Susie Leo, I/N Coordinator

What are signals? How can they help us in bridge?


Many of you already know what signals are. But for those who are a bit newer to bridge, it might be good to review the basics.


Signals are ways to communicate with your partner when you are on defense. I know, I know … we all want to get the contract and be declarer or dummy. But about 50% of the time, we will be defenders. Signals are truly important for success in setting those pesky opponents.


Signals are:

~a partnership agreement

~a way to tell pard that you like or don’t like the suit they led

~a way to show which suit you want them to switch to on their next lead

~a way to tell your pard if you have an odd or even number of cards in that suit


Because I am no expert and space is limited, I suggest that if you want to learn about or fine-tune your signals, ask your more advanced bridge friends, google this topic, and attend a regional tournament where you can browse for helpful books.


Happy signaling!


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Intermediate/Newcomer News