Intermediate/Newcomer News

Play of the Hand

Susie Leo

Intermediate/Newcomer Coordinator

Bob Johnson at the Seaside Regional


Psssst! For the next three newsletters, you are going to get a sneak peek at one of the topics that will be taught at the daily classes at the Seaside Regional Tournament …


At Regional Tournaments, there are classes taught that are geared to the Intermediate/Newcomer crowd (aka I/N Players). These are players with 0–750 masterpoints or less experience.

The I/N classes are 45 minutes each morning from Tuesday through Friday.


We are enormously fortunate to have Bob Johnson from Portland as our presenter. WOW! If you have never heard him teach, you are in for a big treat!


Here is the first topic he plans to offer. Over the Top with Overcalls. Without giving away too much, here are a few samples of the questions he will ask.

            When should we overcall?

            What are our partnership requirements to make an overcall?

            If our Opponents overcall, how should our partnership respond?

            Can we use the Opponent’s overcall to our own advantage? How?


Can you answer these questions? If you are not sure, then you will want to come to class and expand your thinking!


The Seaside Regional is Monday, September 30 – Sunday, October 6, 2024.


Wishing you many happy days at the bridge table!

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Intermediate/Newcomer News