Intermediate/Newcomer News

Lessons at Seaside

Susie Leo

Intermediate/Newcomer Coordinator

Bob Johnson at the Seaside Regional


Here is the last sneak peak at what Bob Johnson is going to share with us at the Seaside Regional on how to improve our bridge game.

How many of us look at our hands and see one long suit and not many points? What do we do? We often preempt. But when, how and why should we do this? When should we resist doing this?

Bob Johnson, our esteemed Seaside Regional presenter (at the FREE classes), is going to tell us some wonderful things about preempts so we can move forward with confidence and joy.

The third topic he plans to offer at Seaside is called Fun with Preempts. Here are a few of the many points that Bob will cover.

            ~Why preempt? One fun reason is it makes life difficult for our opponents.

            ~Can I preempt after partner opens the bidding?

            ~When should partner raise the preempt?

            ~Perhaps the most difficult question is: What should I do when the opponents preempt our auction?

            ~What do I do when my hand is either with or without a fit for partner’s preempt suit?

The last topic Bob will present on the fourth day is called Powering up with Powerhouse Hands. There is not enough room here to tease you about this, so you will just have to attend the class!

If you want to come to this event but don’t have a partner, we will do our best to find you one through the Partnership Desk. You can contact Sam Asai ahead of time and let him know you are looking. 541-308-5880 or

The Oregon Coast Regional is Monday, September 30 – Sunday, October 6, 2024.

 I wish you joy and gratitude for this great game called bridge.

More To Explore

Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

Intermediate/Newcomer News