Intermediate/Newcomer News December 2024

Intermediate / Newcomer News

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Lucy’s Day, Los Posadas – or just enjoy a beautiful Winter Solstice, here is one thing they all have in common.

~Peace on Earth~

What does this have to do with bridge, you ask? This can apply to how we behave and connect when playing both face-to-face and online. Read on.

I have heard a wonderful saying that goes something like this. “People will not remember what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.

If you have a grumpy partner or a rude opponent, try being kind to them. Create peace at your table. Sometimes it just takes one kind word or gesture to make someone feel a little better. Maybe their dog just died or they have a bad headache. We don’t need to know what causes their unhappy behavior, but we can sometimes be a small light in their dark day.

On a less airy fairy note, we have a Regional Tournament coming up! The Oregon Trail Regional, aka OTR, is in Vancouver, WA on February 17-23, 2025. It takes place at the Hilton Hotel, which is just over the river from Portland. To make things really easy on yourself, reserve a room there. Bridge players get a special rate.

Happy Holidays to you all and remember to spread Peace and Kindness.


Susie Leo, District 20 I/N Coordinator

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