North American Events Report

North American Events Report

North American Pairs and Grand National Teams


Our North American Pairs District Finals were contested in November 2024 on BBO. The winners from the three flights who will represent D20 at the spring North American Bridge Championships in Memphis TN are: 


Flight A: 

1) Molly Tinsley – Kemble Yates 

2) Chris Gibson – Amy Casanova 

3) Dennis Harms – Allison Evans 


Because Tinsley and Yates will not attend the NABC, the fourth-place pair, Roger McNay and Dave Green, will go.


Flight B 

1) Larry Denneau – Alan Kosansky 

2) Angel Almanza – Kevin Marnell 

3) Roger Thomas – James Weider 

4) Sheryl Williams – Paul Walker 


Flight C: 

1) Brantly Dettmer – Sheri Markwardt 

2) Moira Mallison – Katy Balagopal 

3) Anne Bogart – Carol Schaafsma 


Good luck in Memphis.


The qualifying sessions for the district’s GNT will be contested on April 5th and 6th. The Open and Flight B teams are on Saturday, April 5th. The A and C Flights are on Sunday, April 6th. The district makes it possible for players in A, B, and C flights to play in two flights if they choose. The district encourages people to play in multiple flights. 

We are running our GNT similar to a Soloway KO. First, the teams will play a Swiss or Round Robin to qualify teams for the knockout stages. The finalists will compete in self-scheduled knockout matches to see which team (or teams) will earn the chance to represent us at the Summer nationals in Philadelphia. In Flights B and C, if at least eight teams are participating in each flight, the district can send two teams to the nationals. 

The GNT district finals are a great opportunity to win red and gold points. You play against players of similar masterpoint levels and don’t even have to leave your own home. It is like an extra regional event. Please form your teams now. If you need help, please contact Hal Montgomery at or 503-583-3717.

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North American Events Report