President’s Corner – August 2023

Time to make your plans for the Seaside Regional if you have not already done so.  I am hoping we exceed a thousand tables this year. Dates are October 2-8. Cynthia Sinn, our wonderful I/N coordinator, has lined up lots of speakers and events for the I/N folks. Seaside is a great destination spot with plenty of things to do for  spouses and companions who do not play bridge. If you have never attended, you are in for a real treat.

We have a group of folks looking at the District’s future Regional schedule. In addition to Oregon Trail and Seaside, we are looking at the possibility of adding one more in 2024, possibly Bend. But to be clear, nothing has been decided at this point.

I am encouraged with ACBL’s recent hiring of Bronia Jenkins as our new Executive Director. Ms. Jenkins strikes me as much needed breath of fresh air that is desperately needed at this time.  Bronia brings a unique set of skills to the position in addition to being a top-flight bridge player in her own right. These are challenging times for the bridge world on so many levels in so many ways. I have invited Bronia to the Seaside Regional and I am hoping that her schedule will permit her to attend. In the meantime, I have found her to be very open to input and I encourage all of you to contact her with thoughts and ideas you may have on how we can best navigate these challenging times we all face.

I look forward to seeing all of you in Seaside. As always, contact me with your questions and concerns.


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President’s Corner – August 2023