President’s Corner – August 2024

President’s Corner

August 2024

Congratulations to Merlin Vilhauer on reaching the 10,000 Master Point milestone. Impressive. Merlin, along with his wife Marilyn, have been major contributors over these many years in making District 20 work. Marilyn for years was the tournament manager for all the regionals and did all the contract negotiations, no small task indeed. Merlin served several terms as the district representative to the ACBL Board. Thank you, Merlin and again, congratulations on this outstanding achievement.

I must mention the Seaside Regional again, of course. The dates are September 30th thru October 6th. ACBL Board President Margot Hennings will be attending. Wouldn’t hurt if we could have a record turn-out. If you have never attended this event, please, please consider it. Everyone knows how special the Coast is. Plus, this is a very large regional so there are lots of events available for all levels of players.

My term as president of the district ends on December 31st. If you are interested in having your name placed in nomination, contact me or your area representative. The term now runs for two years.

Remember, the best thing you can do for your game…be nice to your partner.

Don Marsh

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I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

President’s Corner – August 2024