President’s Corner – May 2024

President’s Corner

May 2024

I know it is a bit of a cliché’ to say that each of us can make a difference. Well, guess what? It’s true and here is a very recent example.

For years, former D20 president and Eugene’s resident expert Jeffery Taylor would sponsor a charity game at the Emerald Bridge Club in Eugene-Springfield during April in support of Food for Lane County. It’s fair to say that over the years, because of Jeffery’s efforts, a considerable amount of cash was added to FFLC’s bank account in addition to literally tons of food being added to their pantry.

Sadly, we lost Jeffery a few years back and the fundraiser was no more. That is, until this year, when one person, one individual, Jon Neimand, said, “We need to get this event happening again.”

Not only did Jon get the event scheduled, but he also did a one-for-one challenge-match for every dollar donated. Suffice to say, Jeffery would have been proud of the results and the representative from FFLC was quite impressed with the amount of money raised and food collected when she came out to accept our contribution. One person. Stepping up. Making a difference. Creating a positive outcome.

You might have figured out by now where this is going. I ask each of you to consider how you might make a difference in your bridge community. Maybe it’s not on such a grand scale as what Jon did, or maybe it is. Maybe it’s as simple as asking someone to have a game or two. Maybe it’s as simple as complimenting someone at the table on their good play. Maybe it’s mentoring a newer player. Maybe it’s contacting a person you have not seen at the club in some time and getting them to come back and play. Maybe it’s considering how you might contribute at the district level. (We can find a role for you.)

I look forward to hearing the stories about someone you know who stepped up and made a difference.

Thanks for reading,



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Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

President’s Corner – May 2024