President’s Corner – November 2024

President’s Corner

November 2024

As I near the end of my three-year run as D20 President, I am excited to share some great news. Your district board has approved the hiring of a
new Tournament Manger for our Seaside Regional and our Oregon Trail Regional. Sheryl Williams has stepped forward and graciously agreed to
serve as TM for both regionals. Perhaps even more to the point, Sheryl agreed before she even realize that the position came with some

I mention this because when I took over as President, one of our first discussions was how do we create and promote a climate where folks volunteer not for what they might get in return, but just because they want to help promote bridge in our district. Events the district puts on do not just happen automatically. Lots of folks volunteering lots of time behind the scenes are required for things like our regionals and our North American events to flourish and prosper.

In one of my first columns, I invited folks to consider how they might contribute. I again extend the invitation. There are lots of opportunities
whether it be at your local face-to-face club, with your local Unit or at the regional level with the district. Maybe it is just offering to have a game with
someone whom you have not seen at the club recently.

I am grateful for all the volunteers who have helped make my job so much easier than it could have been. With all of us pulling in the same direction,
we have gotten a lot done. The finances are stabilized, and our reserves are trending in the right direction. We did a total updating and streamlining
on all the perks and comps. The Manual of Policies and Procedures has been reworked and updated. New and better ways of communicating with
our members is now in-place. And, yes, there are lots more things that need attention. The great news is that we have found the perfect person to
continue moving things forward in President-Elect Allison Evans. Her term begins January 1st, and I am sure she will be happy to hear from each of
you and how you might help.

Thanks for reading,

More To Explore

Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

President’s Corner – November 2024