President’s Corner – October 2023

Even the light rain on Monday seemed perfect… after all, this was the Oregon Coast. By Thursday of the Seaside Regional, the temperatures were in the 80s, not a cloud in the sky, and, if you can believe it, no wind. Oregon Coast in October. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Which is exactly what I would say about the tournament. “It doesn’t get any better than that.” Yes, a little larger turnout would have been welcomed. Some of us were hoping for that. We showed an increase from last with nearly 1,500 tables in-play, up from 1,435. All told we had 773 players for the event.

I am sure there is something that our tournament manager Jim Wheeler might have missed, but I would be hard pressed to come up with what it might have been. (OK, next year there will be stickers. We heard you!!!) Jim and his crew were everywhere at once it often seemed. Sam Asai gets a special “shout-out” for his work on the partnership desk. Very well done, Sam. Thank you so much for all your work.

McKenzie Myers was the Director-in-Charge and from what I witnessed, things were done at a very high level. Mac and his crew did just an amazing job getting all the different events off and running on time, all the boards to the tables, director calls handled promptly and in a courteous manner, and everything else that goes into putting on a successful tourney.

Speaking of McKenzie, the highlight of the week for me was the panel show that he hosted on Friday evening after the second session. Mac put together an outstanding panel and had great hands for them to discuss and questions for them to answer. Not that I needed a reminder, but listening to players at that caliber talk about the bidding reminds me of how little I know about the game. Still I found it to be a fascinating event and just hope that we can have a return performance next year.

Several of us board members were able to get together at the Pig & Pancake on Friday morning and that was fun. Regional Rep Jackie Zayac was there and she gave us a report from ACBL. It seems clear that the new CEO, Bronia Jenkins, is indeed a much need breath of fresh air.

We know there was a thing or two that could have been done better per the scheduling and we are addressing that. We also know that we need to look at maybe holding games at 10 & 3 and some sort of evening game for those looking to play three sessions a day. I can assure this topic is being addressed.

The district is just so fortunate to be able to host this event in Seaside. The Seaside Convention Center is a fabulous venue for us and the folks who staff it are supportive and helpful.  All the available lodging near the venue makes it so easy to attend. We look forward to seeing all of you (and a few more) next year.

Our next mainland regional is OTR…Oregon Trail Regional which will be held at the Vancouver Hilton just across the river from Portland. The dates are February 19-25th. There will also be a regional in Bend-Redmond in 2024. It will be held at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds and Events Center, which is in Redmond, and it will be held the week after Mother’s Day. Or if you’re interested in a warmer weather location next winter, consider attending the 71st Annual Hawaii Regional, January 22-28 in Waikiki.

The good news just keeps coming. Dennis Harms, our current Area Rep for Albany-Corvallis, Salem, and Eugene-Springfield, has graciously stepped forward and agreed to be our Educational Liaison. Dennis shared a few ideas he has and they all sound exciting. We are so grateful that he has stepped-up and filled this position that has been vacant way too long. Thanks Dennis.

I am equally happy and excited to announce that my dear friend Susie Leo has agreed to be our Intermediate-Novice (IN) Coordinator. I know Susie from our local club and know she will do a great job. Thanks Susie – and welcome aboard. We are excited to have you in this position. 

I am so appreciative to be working with so many amazing folks here in District 20. Thanks to all of you…each one…really.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you with input on how we might do things better or items that you think we should be addressing.




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Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

President’s Corner – October 2023