President’s Corner – September 2024

President’s Corner

September 2024

Our two long-serving Tournament Mangers, Amy Casanova, and James Wheeler are retiring. I will address and acknowledge their years of incredible service in a future posting. What this means in the immediate is that the district is now looking to fill the TM role for the Seaside, Oregon Trail and Redmond/Bend Regionals. These are compensated positions though the compensation is unlikely to throw you into a higher tax bracket.

If you think you might be interested, you can contact me or James Wheeler who has a post in this issue of the Declarer speaking in some detail to this situation.

Another position with the district that is about to be open is that of President. My term is over at the end of this calendar year. It has been my distinct pleasure to serve in this capacity for nearly three years now and I would be most happy to share my thoughts about the position with anyone out there who thinks they might be interested. You can also ask your area representative to place your name in nomination.

Once again let me take the opportunity to encourage you to attend the Seaside Regional which starts on the 30th of this month. As stated previously, Margot Hennings, the president of ACBL, will be attending this year’s event and it would be great if we could have a record turnout.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you in Seaside.

Don Marsh

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President’s Corner – September 2024