Royal STaC Awards Big Points to D20 Players

Last week marked first “Royal STaC (Sectional Tournament at Clubs)” of 2023, where local club games awarded gold, silver and red points. Large awards were earned by overall winners (those scoring highest among participating clubs).

The ACBL Board created the Royal STaC (Sectional Tournament at Clubs) pilot program in early 2022 to provide a face-to-face “glitter point” event to support the return of our in-person bridge clubs. At first, there was just one event approved to be run in the first half of the year. But due to its popularity, that was extended to an additional occurrence in the second half of 2022. And in 2023, two Royal STaCs per district were approved. These events are district-wide and pay ¼ each of gold, red, silver, and black Sectionally rated masterpoints.

Districts 18 and 20 joined forces for the event to increase table count and overall point awards. In total 984 players/645 tables earned a total of over 2100 masterpoints in the one week period.  Did you play in the Royal STaC in your club? Curious how you ranked overall? Check all the District Wide Results on

The top three masterpoints earners took in quite a haul! First with 25.53 points earned was Garth Gregory of Chico California. Just behind him was District 20 Board member Dennis Harms of Corvallis Oregon, who won 25.10 points. In third place, Hon-Chung Ko of Albany Oregon won 20.66 masterpoints. See how you ranked.

The second Royal STaC for 2023 will be held December 4-10 at participating clubs.

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Royal STaC Awards Big Points to D20 Players