Stephen Kishner – Gold Life Master

Stephen Kishner reached Gold Life Master getting his final points playing at the Portland Bridge Club. I would like to thank all my partners over the years who helped me attain this milestone. 

I started to play bridge late in life. My favorite hobby until my late fifties was being a soccer referee. I was previously president of the Crescent City Soccer Referee Association in New Orleans. One of my soccer buddies introduced me to the bridge club in New Orleans. 

I did not have a lot of time to play as I only retired from medical practice two years ago. In my medical career I always felt that the field of medicine never stood still. I was continuously learning new scientific information and treatments. Similarly, this is one of the things I love about playing bridge. New difficult hands always appear, and this requires continuous learning on how to deal with each particular challenging hand. 

When not playing bridge Stephen likes to keep busy travelling with his wife and family, as well as giving medical lectures, hiking, and biking. 

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Stephen Kishner – Gold Life Master