From the Region 12 Director

Region 12 Director Report

Jackie Zayac, Region 12 Director, ACBL Board of Directors
April 2023


It is my pleasure to be serving as your Region 12 (District 20 and District 21) Director on the ACBL Board of Directors. The ACBL Board met online in January and February to pass a few motions which are posted on the ACBL website. Here are some of the highlights:

  • A 0–6000 four-session NABC Pair event was added to the final weekend of the Fall 2023 NABC in Atlanta. 
  • The Phoenix Sheraton was selected as the site for our 2027 Fall NABC.
  • The Multi 2 convention showing a preempt in either major may now be used in the Platinum Pairs and the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams.
  • 0–5 players who play “Just Declare” Daylong Games on BBO will be awarded small fractions of masterpoints. 

 In March, I attended my first in-person ACBL Board meetings in New Orleans. The full National Board Report can be found on the D20 website under “administration.”  Some of the highlights are:

  • The Executive Director Search Committee has been interviewing a number of candidates to fill the vacant position. Paul Cuneo, Interim Executive Director, has been doing an exemplary job in the position, but he has chosen not to be a candidate for the permanent position. The deadline for filing applications was April 3, 2023.
  • An operating budget was submitted and approved with a positive balance of approximately $100,000. The budget previously submitted had a negative balance of $1,000,000.
  • Beginning in 2024, there will be one instead of three Goodwill Receptions held at the NABC’s. The Goodwill Receptions will rotate among NABC’s so that one is held in the West, Central and East every three years.
  • This discussion item will directly affect the units. It is being proposed that the sectional surcharge be raised from $180 to $190 and applied in full to local sectionals. Please let me know what you think about this proposal.
  • It is being proposed that an optional online regional event (two sessions held in one day or two sessions run across consecutive evenings) be held in conjunction with a face-to-face District regional. What do you think about giving your District members the opportunity to play online on day or two consecutive evenings (chosen by the District) during each District regional?

I am serving on the Membership Building Task Force and we are examining current ACBL programs and looking for ways to enhance them as well as document best practices for membership building to share with our units. Membership growth and retention is my top priority. I welcome any thoughts you may have on ways to build our membership. I am also serving on the Governance Committee and the Bridge Committee.

I have enjoyed meeting members of District 20 at the various tournaments I have attended this year. So far, I have attended the Kauai Sectional, Hawaii Regional and the OTR Regional. I will also be attending the Seaside Regional in October.

I always appreciate receiving input so if there is anything you would like to discuss, please contact me at (925) 284-2309 landline or (925) 282-0497 cell. You may also email me at this email address or at

Happy Spring,

Jackie Zayac, Region 12 Director


I would also like to challenge each of you to bring one new member into the ACBL. We would be able to double in size if each of us brought one new member into our great game. If you would like to introduce a young person to our game, I would highly recommend viewing the 50-minute documentary film, Double Dummy, with them. For those of you who have not seen the film, it is the story of the USA 1 Under 21 team who competed at the World Youth Bridge Championships in China in 2012. Wouldn’t it be great to spend part of a rainy day sharing your love of bridge with a new potential player? Here is a direct link to the website:

I have really enjoyed seeing old friends and new friends at live bridge events as well as online events. I hope to see you at a bridge table soon.

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From the Region 12 Director