[Note: the top photo appeared in the “Just For New Players” article published July 15 in the Chicago Daily Bulletin]

The Flight C GNT team from District 20 had three of its four players experiencing their first NABC. Carina Cassim
and Jane Urban, both from Portland OR, played with Jasper Katz of Ashland OR and Andrey Dashkov of Beaverton OR.
The team was arranged at the last minute to be the eighth team to play in the district final, ensuring two teams could
come to the nationals, and ended up winning that event.

At the NABC, the team qualified for the Round of 16, and although they were knocked out, they enjoyed the experience.“It was much more friendly than I thought it would be,” said Urban. “Even though it’s a competition and we all want to win, everyone seemed to be very nice.”

Cassim agreed and appreciated the positivity of her teammates.

Katz was excited when his partner, Dashkov, opened a weak two-bid in hearts and he held 25 HCP. He checked
for aces and bid a grand slam, which made. “If it were matchpoints, I might have bid 7NT,” he said.

Another D20 pair, Karen Douek and Paula Koeller of Portland, OR, were featured in the “Just For New Players” article in the Monday, July 17, Bulletin for their win in the Friday Gold Rush Pairs.

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