President’s Corner – September 2023

Every year we get the opportunity to nominate folks for the Goodwill Committee. This becomes a lifetime appointment and is meant to honor and recognize those folks who have gone above and beyond promoting the game we all love. Please let me know of anyone you think is deserving of recognition. We know there are a lot of folks out there who do a lot for bridge, and this is a great opportunity to acknowledge them. Please do take a moment to consider this. Thanks.

The district continues to discuss what the future holds relative to number of regionals we will put on each year. For sure there will always be Seaside. We are fortunate to have that event. Oregon Trail Regional will continue also though there is some discussion about making this a Spring Regional rather than Winter. That change, if it does happen, will not be for at least two years.

The smaller regionals present a bit more of a challenge. It feels like it is going to take locals getting involved to make regionals happen on some sort of rotating basis in Boise, Bend, Eugene, and Redding. So, if you live in one of those areas and have any input, we would love to hear from you. It may be that for these events to happen, we need to locate smaller, more affordable venues and consider alternative formats to the traditional Monday evening thru Sunday afternoon.

I continue to hear great things per ACBL’s new CEO, Bronia Jenkins. This really is good news as the organization could for sure use some strong leadership right now.

I hope to see lots of you in Seaside. Again, I’m hopeful we can surpass 1,000 tables this year.

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Bruce Dautrich – Life Master

I learned bridge my senior year of college which was 44 years ago. But after graduating I had little time to play bridge so only

President’s Corner – September 2023