President’s Corner – June 2023

Wow!! It’s hard to imagine there being a more successful event than the recently held Eugene-Springfield Sectional I/N Regional.

When I suggested to the Unit Board some number of months back that we might consider adding the I/N piece to our Sectional, as Seaside has been doing for several years, concerns were raised. Would the I/N folks show up? Would the Regional piece just cannibalize the Open? 

It turns out there was an issue—more players than tables. As the saying goes, this is the kind of “problem” you do not mind having. The table “situation” was quickly remedied, and I think it is a fair statement to make that, “A good time was had by all.”

Props to lots of folks who put this event together and most especially to Ali and Martin Nice, our tournament managers. Their attention to covering all the details was impressive.

Equally impressive was our Tournament Director, local boy who has made great, McKenzie Myers. Mac was nothing short of amazing. He has an incredible ability to stay calm and focused under the most challenging of circumstances. He even filled in when we had a half-table. 

The Unit is grateful to Corey Anderson, the Athletic Director at Bushnell University, and his staff, for the incredible hospitality they show us every year. Being able to hold our Sectional in the Morse Event Center is very special indeed. It is an amazing facility. 

So, does this record turnout say that face-to-face is back? Perhaps. The message that came through to me loud and clear is that the I/N folks want to be able to play in an event of their peers. All that talk about playing “up” is for somewhere down the road. 

There is every reason to think that this event will be even bigger and better, if that is possible, next year. The first weekend in June is a time to mark on your calendars for 2024. We look forward to seeing you. You will not be disappointed. 

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President’s Corner – June 2023